%NAME: jeep.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % jeep.sty, February 3, 1989 % G. W. Stewart % Department of Computer Science % University of Maryland % College Park, MD 20784 % stewart@thales.umd.edu % This is a personal customization of the LaTeX style files % article (4/16/88) and report (5/26/88). The changes are % described more fully in the document jeep.tex. Briefly % the style % 1. Changes the default page sizes to reflect the fact % that most output will be on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. % 2. Adds commands that allow the casual LaTeX to change % the formats of chapter, section, and theorem heads. % 3. Adds commands to number equations and theorems within % sections or subsections. % 4. Makes Lance Berc's three part headers and footers the % default page style. Adds a macro to underline the % header. % 5. Changes the default numbering of enumerate to arabic. % Adds a new enumeration environment in which the items % are close together. % 6. Adds a command to produce a compact table of contents. % 7. Adds commands to produce symbolic footnote marks and % equation labels. % Change the default page sizes. \setlength{\topmargin}{.25in} \setlength{\textheight}{7.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.375in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{.375in} \setlength{\textwidth}{5.75in} % Define the command \mychapter{}{}. % is the text to put in the chapter head if there is a % chapter number; , if not. \def\@chapapp{Chapter} \def\chapapp{\@chapapp} \def\mychapter#1#2{ \def\@chaphead##1{#1} \def\@schaphead##1{#2} \def\@makechapterhead#1{ \vspace*{\chaptopsep} { \parindent 0pt \raggedright \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \@chaphead{#1} \else \@schaphead{#1} \fi \par \nobreak \vskip \chapaftersep } } \def\@makeschapterhead#1{ \vspace*{\chaptopsep} { \parindent 0pt \raggedright \@schaphead{#1}\par \nobreak \vskip \chapaftersep } } % \chaptopsep is the space between the top of the text page and the % chapter head. \chapaftersep is the space between the chapter % head and the text. \newlength{\chaptopsep} \setlength{\chaptopsep}{.5in} \newlength{\chapaftersep} \setlength{\chapaftersep}{.5in} % Default chapter headings. \mychapter{\LARGE \sc \thechapter. #1}{\LARGE \sc #1} % Define the command \mysection{}{